Heimtextil 2024 – Interior. Architecture. Hospitality. – Frankfurt am Main – Impressions

Talk+Tour #01:
Dr. Regina Dahmen–Ingenhoven
- reginadahmeningenhoven, Düsseldorf | www.drdi.de
- Visited booths:
- Ragolle Rugs | Kinland Decor | A.S. Création | Marburger | Baumann Dekor
heaven is a place on earth, jesus meets showgirls und andere sowie das aktuelle projekt dschungel zeigen, wie man mit textilen strukturen ephemere räume schafft. wie durch oberflächen, farben und materialien wellbeing und nachhaltigkeit in der raumgestaltung entsteht.
Dr. Regina Dahmen–Ingenhoven
Studium der Architektur an der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen, Diplom bei Prof. Fritz Eller, wissenschaftliche Assistentin am Lehrstuhl für Entwerfen von Hochbauten und Industriebauten, Dissertation Orte der Animation, Architektur für Freizeit und Vergnügen im 21. Jahrhundert Prof. Eller, Publikation Animation – form follows fun, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel. Selbstständig tätig als Architektin mit Schwerpunkt Klinik-, Wellness-, Shop- und Fashion-Design. Zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen in Fachzeitschriften, Fachbüchern und regelmäßige Vorträge.

Talk+Tour #02:
Christina Biasi-von Berg
»Custom tailored interiors with textiles«
- BIQUADRA, Meran | www.biquadra.com
- Visited booths:
- FIDIVI | Dabedan | Castilla | Paulig | Wallcolors | Duro
Custom tailored interiors with textiles
Textiles in interior and architecture – tailor-made and adapted to the personality of the project. The research and selection of the appropriate material for each individual project is very important to us. Carefully selected, the textile elements enhance the charisma of each.
Christina Biasi-von Berg
Christina Biasi-von Berg is architect and interior architect, expert of interior design in all its facets.Each project is a matter truly dear to her heart, always striving to give each project its own distinctive personality. With her passionate team of architects and designers she turns her vision of a sensitive design and architecture into reality.Passion for detail, the use of sensorial materials, and exceptional artistry, as well as a keen eye for the delicate interplay of space, material, light, and color, characterize her approach.

Guided Tour #01:
Miriam Giordano
»Nuove creatività, nuove tessuti | New creativities, new textiles«
- Labóh, Barcelona | www.laboh.net
- Visited booths:
- FIDIVI | IRS Spalmati | Kinland Decor | Paulig | Stieger | Imatex
Nuove creatività, nuove tessuti | New creativities, new textiles
In un'epoca in cui sogniamo luoghi domestici, pubblici e di servizio che non siano solo sostenibili, salubri e confortevoli, ma anche 'narrativi', stimolanti e sensuali, la creatività umana, potenziata dalla tecnologia e dall'intelligenza artificiale, spinge i progettisti a concepire luoghi che suscitano meraviglia. Esplorando trame, colori e materiali prima inimmaginabili, interior designer e architetti sono ora in grado di trasformare audaci idee virtuali in progetti tangibili. Le soluzioni tessili, per loro natura più flessibili, intercambiabili e versatili rispetto ad altri materiali, sono diventate un elemento attivo al servizio di una creatività libera e audace.
At a time when we dream of domestic, public, and service places that are not only sustainable, healthy and comfortable, but also 'narrative', inspiring and sensual, human creativity, empowered by technology and Artificial Intelligence, drives designers to conceive places that inspire wonder. By exploring previously unimaginable textures, colours and materials, interior designers and architects are now able to transform bold virtual ideas into tangible projects. Textile solutions, by their nature more flexible, interchangeable and versatile than other materials, become an active element at the service of a free and daring creativity.
Miriam Giordano
Miriam Giordano è un'esperta di comunicazione, fondatrice e direttrice di Labóh, un'agenzia di comunicazione e pubbliche relazioni dedicata alla promozione dell'architettura e del design. Lavora a livello internazionale per istituzioni pubbliche, aziende private e professionisti del settore creativo e culturale. È membro del consiglio di amministrazione di ADI – FAD in Spagna, editore e direttore regionale di World- Architects (Spagna e Italia). Dal 2014 Giordano collabora con la Fundació Mies van der Rohe e dal 2018 è curatrice dell'evento Architecture & the Media.
Miriam Giordano is a communications expert, founder, and director of Labóh, a communications and public relations agency dedicated to promoting architecture and design. She works internationally for public institutions, private companies, and professionals in the creative and cultural fields. She is a board member of ADI - FAD, editor and regional director of World-Architects (Spain and Italy). Since 2014 Giordano has collaborated with the Fundació Mies van der Rohe and since 2018 she has been the curator of the Architecture & the Media event.

Guided Tour #02:
Yordanka Rotta
- Aboutlama . Interior Architects, Mannheim | www.aboutlama.com
- Visited booths:
- IRS Spalmati | Vanelli | Munzert | Baumann Dekor | Hohenberger
Fabrics give a room personality and soul. Whether patterned or plain, they stand for craftsmanship and innovation. How creative is tradition and can the future deliver on its promise of sustainability with vision? A story about why, when and how...
Yordanka Rotta
After an excursion into the study of art history, Yordanka completed her master's degree in interior design at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. At blocher partners she deepened her skills as a project manager and organizational talent over several years, especially in the field of hotel, retail and large projects. At Aboutlama she is at the interface between creativity, organization and the built result. She follows her passion for giving projects their value through precision and honing the details, while keeping an eye on the construction process and deadlines and managing communication with project and construction stakeholders. As a child of an engineering family, she once told her father: she wants to be on a construction site someday. Yordanka in 3 words: solution-oriented, no-nonsense, cordial. What drives her: to make her contribution to bring people more quality of life through her work.Since 2021 member of BDIA (Association of German Interior Architects) Since 2022 advisory board of KG Mannheim of the Chamber of Architects Baden-Württemberg.

Guided Tour #03:
Felix Diener
»Funktionale Textilien und neue Stofflichkeit«
- Studio Felix Diener, Düsseldorf | www.felixdiener.com
- Visited booths:
- LIBRARY | Munzert | Raymakers | Hohenberger | Marburger
Funktionale Textilien und neue Stofflichkeit
Als Designer lege ich bei dieser taktilen Reise durch die Messehallen und Vielfalt der Textilien ein besonderes Augenmerk auf technische Eigenschaften, Haptik, Struktur, Farbe und Funktion der Stoffe. Gemeinsam erkunden wir Neues und Bewährtes, um zu evaluieren, wie wir unser textiles Umfeld zukünftig gestalten möchten.
Felix Diener
Seit jeher fasziniert von Oberflächen und ihrer Wirkung, gestaltet Felix Diener aufsehenerregende Kollektionen mit außergewöhnlicher Haptik. Sein Metier ist von jeher das Interieur. Nach dem Abitur absolvierte er eine Raumausstatterlehre in Süddeutschland, bevor er an die Hochschule Niederrhein wechselte, um Textildesign und Textilingenieurwesen zu studieren. Nach seinem Abschluss ging er nach Australien, wo er im Bereich der technischen Textilien arbeitete. Zurück in Europa übernahm er die Leitung des Design Studios Ulf Moritz in Amsterdam. Dort arbeitete er in allen Produktbereichen des Interieurs wie Stoffe, Teppich und Tapete, außerdem konzipierte er Messestände. 2010 erfolgte der Wechsel nach Düsseldorf, wo er das interdisziplinäre Studio Felix Diener gründete. Er arbeitete mit verschiedensten Firmen auf der ganzen Welt und in unterschiedlichsten Produktbereichen. Während dieser Zeit erweiterte Diener seine Kompetenzen vom Design hin zur strategischen Unterstützung der Textilindustrie in Produktentwicklung, Marketing und Vertrieb. Felix Diener war über mehrere Jahre Teil des Trendtables der Heimtextil und ist Gastdozent an der Hochschule Niederrhein. Seit 2019 ist er Creative Director der renommierten Marburger Tapetenfabrik.
Heimtextil Nachbericht

Heimtextil 2024: Von Menschen und Maschinen
An der Heimtextil Anfang Januar haben 2800 internationale Aussteller teilgenommen. Im Rahmen der Messe wurde intensiv diskutiert und vielfältig präsentiert, welchen enormen Einfluss die Synergie von digitalen Innovationen und natürlichen Ressourcen auf die Textilien und Materialien der Zukunft haben wird.
Von Menschen und Maschinen- Feedback and requests
- Ursula Pfingstgraf | up@world-architects.com