This kindergarten is formed by curves. R-shaped windows with rounded corners are used to create the atmosphere of freedom and pleasant. Each playroom on the 3rd floor faces towards to a balcony, with the staircase by which children can go up to the roof garden. Various colors are used on the walls, floors and handrails of the balconies; this is one of the main feature of this kindergarten.

Walking up to the 2nd floor through the public stairs at the main entrance there is a outdoor courtyard, with all of the classrooms facing towards it. The whole courtyard is in the visible range for most adults. This is is a wonderful space for children to play and enjoy the fresh air. Also under the outdoor courtyard there is an indoor courtyard for multi-purpose uses. It has 3 rounded atriums connecting to the outdoor space on upper level for better natural lighting and for creating a indoor playing space for children in bad weather condition.

The ceiling on each floor is in 18 different colors, with white louver boards under the ceiling. The color changing can been seen through the gaps between the louver boards when walking in the corridor. Also there are 18 different color columns in the courtyard, the children can use these colors to identify the location.


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Tianjin, China

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Jinan, China
Shanghai, China
Beijing, China
Beijing, China
Kid's Republic
Beijing, China