Photo © P'ARC

Landscape Architecture:
Enrica Dall'Ara (design lead), Sara Angelini, Matteo Zamagni

Landfill Engineering: IS Ingegneria e Servizi
Geological and Geotechnical Engineering:
Environmental Impact Study:
Zoppellari Associati and GECOsistema
Landscape Ecology Consulting:
CREN Centro Ricerche Ecologiche e Naturalistiche
Client: ASA Azienda Servizi Ambientali
Design date: 2010, 2015
Completion Landfill Sectors 1 and 2: 2015, 2017
Landfill Sector 3: under construction

The ASA landfill in Castel Maggiore (Bologna Metropolitan Area, Italy) is for non-hazardous waste derived from industrial activities, and consists of two separate landfill sites located in depleted clay pits: the first (Sectors 1 and 2), having reached full capacity, is now in the post-operational phase; the second (Sector 3) is currently operational.
The Landscape Project was developed as integral part of a proposal concerning an increase in disposal volume of Sector 3, and involves the entire landfill complex, programming an overall, wide process of landscape reclamation.
The signs of the historical agricultural landscape, still visible as the structure of the ancient Roman settlement (centuriatio), become a reference for designing the landform of the active landfill, conceived as a landmark, and the insertion of vegetation lines and patches. The planting pattern creates both ecological corridors for wildlife and paths for man, to connect the area with the near waterways, which have important natural and cultural values but are hardly accessible due to the presence of major mobility infrastructures.

Photo © P'ARC
Photo © P'ARC
Drawing © P'ARC
Drawing © P'ARC
Drawing © P'ARC

Landscape Project for the ASA Landfill

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Castel Maggiore, Bologna, Italy

Other Projects by P'ARC 

Terni, Italy
Savelli Public Gardens
Cesena, Italy
New Health Sciences Campus
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Morciano di Romagna, Rimini, Italy