© Obst & Schmieding
© Obst & Schmieding
© Obst & Schmieding
© Stefan Müller
© Obst & Schmieding
© Obst & Schmieding

Headquarters of the Federal Intelligence Service

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Chausseestraße, 10115 Berlin, Germany

On a site of 10 hectares in Berlin Mitte a new building with a gross floor area of approx. 260,000 sqm will be built to accommodate 4000 employees of the Federal Intelligence Service. The main task of the competition was to develop a concept strong enough to take into account all the constraints of the urban context as well as the technical and organisational requirements of the Intelligence Service. With a height of approx. 30 metres, the main building is located in the centre of the site. It is planned to be even lower than indicated in the master plan. With the decision to concentrate well dimensioned subordinate buildings along the side roads and at the main entrance area, tree-lined open spaces are gained along Chausseestraße. Although these open spaces are not public, it nevertheless allows the main building to set back elegantly from the street and helps to integrate the whole complex harmoniously into its context.

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