- 2015
- Beca de Honor Colegio Mayor Hernando Colón
Becado de Honor - Universidad de Sevilla
- 2015
- AR House Awards
- House of the infinite
Finalist The Architectural Review LONDON
- 2015
- BigMat International Architecture Award
Finalist Consejo Consultivo de Castilla y León
- 2015
- PAEI 2015 Spanish International Architecture Award
- 2015
- ACI Award
- House of the infinite
Innovation Category - Asociación de Consultoras Inmobiliarias MADRID
- 2014
- RIBA International Fellowship
Royal Institute of British Architects LONDON
- 2014
- Cultural Heritage
Asencio House
Cultural Heritage
Andalusian Institute of the Historical Heritage
Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
- 2014
- AD Award
Architect of the year - Architectural Digest SPAIN
- 2014
- Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
Section of Architecture
Medal 38th
Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
- 2014
- Enor Architecture Award
- Offices for Junta Castilla León
Premio de Arquitectura Enor - Finalist - SPAIN
- 2013
- Spanish Architecture Award
- Offices for Junta Castilla León
Mention - CSCAE - SPAIN
- 2013
- Saint Gobain Glass Architecture Award
- Offices for Junta Castilla León
Mejor Proyecto de Arquitectura MADRID
- 2013
- The International Architecture Award Chicago Athenaeum
- Offices for Junta Castilla León
Museum of Architecture and Design CHICAGO
- 2013
- International Award Architecture in Stone
- Offices for Junta Castilla León
- 2013
- AR House Awards
- Rufo House
Highly Commended - The Architectural Review - LONDON
- 2013
- Archdaily
- Offices for Junta Castilla León
Work of the year. Finalist - CHILE
- 2013
- XII BEAU Award
- Offices for Junta Castilla León
Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism
Ministerio de Fomento - SPAIN
- 2013
- Former Student of the year San Felipe Neri
Former Students Association - CÁDIZ
- 2013
- Arnold W. Brunner Memorial Prize
American Academy of Arts and Letters - USA
- 2012
- Heinrich Tessenow Gold Medal
Heinrich Tessenow Society GERMANY
- 2012
- The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award
- Offices for Junta Castilla León
Selected Work - BARCELONA