Residence for the Elderly in Vilanova i la Geltrú
Vilanova i la Geltrú
The project articulates a residential area with a day centre for the elderly. The building is arranged at different heights around a landscaped patio, allowing for the entry of sun and natural light. It adapts the spaces to the different requirements of the residence and the centre a change of use and new treatments.
Domesticity is prioritised in seeking maximum comfort in the spaces for long-stay residents. Safety has also been fundamental in organising the internal and external public spaces, so as to allow easy monitoring of residents and users of the centre.
- 建筑师
- 位置
- St. Josep, 16, 08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú
- 年份
- 2011
- 团队
- Alberto de Pineda, Roberto Cortés, Marcial Novo, Alba Casanovas
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