Patio Houses
The project for 13 courtyard houses in a row in Celrà aims to explore new possibilities for the typologies that configure the so-called garden city. The research aims to promote areas of intense encounter and exchange between the house and its urban context and between the house and the environment.
The absence of a depth limit in the local regulations allows configuring extraordinarily long houses organized around an interior void that seeks to be the centre of gravity of each floor and the spatial focus of all the rooms set up around it. The void is conceived as an interval, a private outdoor room, a source of fresh air and natural light.
The courtyard configures the microclimate of the house and offers an open area for the expansion of the particular microcosms of each inhabitant.
At urban scale the building treats to enlarge the public space of the street through a wide open green hall. A communal garage with an only entrance reduces the flow of traffic in the project's area and makes possible the collective use of its front.
- Architects
- bosch.capdeferro arquitectura
- Location
- Carrer de la Fabrica, 17460 Celrà
- Year
- 2013
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