Collage Building
The Collage Building – Cultural centre Teresa Pàmies – is an architecture of proximity, connected with the urban landscape and the social necessities of Barcelona.
The project works as a vertical city organized by horizontal layers, each one related with the others through perforations and voids. The building groups different facilities: a nursery, a young centre, a library, a community centre and an auditorium.
This five programs need a close relation with the outside but they have to share the same ground floor. This becomes a social place, permeable and active which connects the surrounding city with the building and the public garden in the block interior.
The result is a collage of different parts, a sequential promenade of urban episodes.
- Educational
- Day Care + Kindergartens
- Schools
- Institutes + Laboratories
- Libraries
- Conference + Congress Centers
- Architects
- Vidal Tomás Arquitectes
- Location
- Carrer del Comte d'Urgell, 08036 Barcelona
- Year
- 2012
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