
Calderon-Folch Studio

El Roure Community Centre and La Ginesta Library

Begues, 2014

The community centre El Roure and the library La Ginesta are a mix cultural facility which includes a community centre with a multipurpos...

Bayona Valero Architects Associates

Guinardó Market and complex facilities

Barcelona, 2015

The complex project generate city , spaces to stay and spaces to live. Play of different scales and mixed uses.

Jon Tugores + Architects

Leitat I+D Headquarters


Project had to overcome first, the (still) surprise of the lot chosen. In the midst of a pine centennial consolidated in a forest, where ...

Simon Wegener



OAB Ferrater & Partners

Parque de las Ciencias de Granada

Granada, 2008

The first stages of the Project have been directed towards understanding the enlarging of the Science Park as an opportunity to respond t...

Alberto Campo Baeza

The MA: Andalucia´s Museum Memory

Granada, 2009

We would like to make “the most beautiful building” for the Museo de la Memoria de Andalucía (Andalusia’s Museum...

Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura

Teatro Nacional de Cataluña

Barcelona, 1997

El Teatre Nacional de Catalunya es uno de los mayores hitos culturales de Barcelona. Este, junto al auditorio, responde a la necesidad de...

Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura

Centro Cultural Miguel Delibes

Valladolid, 2007

Equipamiento cultural que alberga en su interior el auditorio de música sinfónica (2.080 butacas) y la sede de la orquesta ...


Pavillon Berge und Pavillon Oasen

Zaragoza, 2008

Drehbare Lamellenfassaden sind das Wiedererkennungsmerkmal von zwei Themenpavillons auf der Expo 2008 in Zaragoza. Sie bieten Schatten un...

STAR strategies + architecture

Auditorium Ciudad de Elche – Elche Auditorium


The city of Elche is carrying out its biggest and most relevant projects during one of the worst economic crises: the Mirador del Palmera...

STAR strategies + architecture

Secret Spaces


Designing in section, not in plan. Spain has suffered in recent years from an incredible rise in the cost per square metre...

Roland Halbe

Casa Levene

El Escorial

Arch. Eduardo Arroyo

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