Photo © Jan Bitter
Photo © Jan Bitter
Photo © Jan Bitter
Photo © Jan Bitter
Photo © Jan Bitter
Photo © Jan Bitter
Photo © Jan Bitter
Photo © Jan Bitter
Photo © Jan Bitter
Photo © Jan Bitter

V' Tower

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Flight Lane, 5657 DR Eindhoven, Nederland

3.452 m2

Project team
Wiel Arets, Daniel Meier, Natali Gagro, Alex Kunnen


Wilimas Bouwadviseurs BV, Raadgevende Ingenieures Amsterdam BV, Wetering Raadgevende Ingenieurs BV, Stan & De Koning Bouw BV, Scheldebouw Heerlen BV, Dekkers Koelcombi Installatietechniek, Mitsubishi Elevator Europe BV, Manntech Gevelinstallaties BV

This slender office tower is wider at one end, owing to its irregular polygon shaped site. Its spaces are wrapped around two compact cores at opposite ends of its interior, which contain its major circulation paths. The tower’s parking garage is situated below an adjacent raised road, which buttresses the tower to enable a direct connection between these two entities. This allows the office to be accessed from both its ground and first floor, and facilitates the introduction of a ‘zero-zero’ level that leaves the precise location of the ‘ground floor’ undefined. Its façade is fritted with a pixilated enamel image; this creates an abstract pattern that spans a gradating density–from transparent to translucent–in a non-repeating rhythm. Constructed for a private company that oversees information and communication technology solutions, the tower exemplifies the open, transparent, and efficient cultural characteristics of its occupant. During daytime the tower’s fritted surfaces allow for panoramic views to the exterior, while at night, they disallow views from the exterior into the interior, in order to establish additional privacy for the office’s employees. Multiple floor to ceiling sliding windows–fritted in the same manner as the entire façade–so that they disappear within their context little noticed when seen from the exterior–punctuate each level of office space in order to introduce additional ventilation and seamless connectivity between the tower’s site, program, and surroundings.

Other Projects by Wiel Arets Architects

Van der Valk Hotel
Amsterdam, Nederland
Jellyfish House
H' House
Maastricht, Nederland
A' House
Tokyo, Japan
AB Amsterdam, Nederland